Monday, July 25, 2011

Breast Feeding

I am a huge advocate for breastfeeding. It's something I believe every mother should do. It brings you closer to your baby and it's the most perfect food for them. Here are some awesome and just plain great reasons for breastfeeding.

These are in no particular order and some of them are responses from friends when asked why they chose to breastfeed.
#1-I'm lazy. I love my sleep and the idea of getting up in the middle of the night just does not appeal to me.
#2-I'm poor. When I see what formula costs and try to figure how many containers a month that would be. It just boggles my mind.
#3- Breast is best. Okay I know this a little cliche, but when you think about it what better food for a baby than one that specifically designed for them and not just mass produced along a production line.
#4- That's what God made these things for.
#5- My kids have less illnesses.
#6- It reduces my chances of getting breast cancer. Having a grandmother who died of this I thought this a good reason
#7- You lose weight faster. Now this didn't happen for me, but as a disclaimer I become a bottomless pit while I'm breastfeeding. Just ask my husband I east enough to feed a family of elephants.
#8-I have the perfect excuse to hold my baby and let nobody else touch them for about 30mins.
#9-Their poop doesn't smell as bad.

And the one I find to be probably the funniest and most accurate reason

#10 The FDA can't recall my boobs for traces of bug parts, animal feces, or other misc foreign objects. (A big thanks to my friend Jess for this one). How accurate!

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