Friday, January 6, 2012

The Shawl and other notes

I got 2 skeins spun up for the triangle shawl I am knitting so decided to go ahead and start it. My hands were getting really itchy. So far the shawl is coming along great. I don't think there are to many if any mistakes in it. It is a really easy shawl pattern though. Here is the pattern. It seems to be angling quicker than what I had expected. I'm not sure if this is correct as this is my first project. I'm hoping it evens out as I keep knitting or after I block.
I still have the icelandic/alpaca blend on the wheel right now, but will be switching back to the BFL after the next skien. I am hoping to get a hat out of this icelandic/alpaca yarn as well. Then I'm going to turn my artistic husband loose with the dyes on some white yarn to get a painted look. If it comes out okay I may just break out my triangle loom and work up a shawl on it. It's only a 3ft loom so will take a couple of passes to get a shawl.
I have a couple of days off of my daytime job coming up and don't you know they are already filled with things to do. Just my luck right now real vacation. Two of those days involve wool stuff though so not to much to complain about. We need to get the ewes and lambs shorn and then we're going to start going through fleeces up in the wool room. This could be a good thing or bad thing. I will hopefully be able to get some raw fleeces up for sale after that. We were talking the other day and realized that we had only sold a handful of raw fleeces and I had not advertised them at all. We still had a really good year all told last year and hope to get to a couple more shows this year.
Here are some picture of the shawl in progress. Please excuse the quality, these were taken with my cell phone.
                                                                    the shawl in progress
the yarn in a single ply on the wheel

the yarn in 2ply on the wheel.

the yarn 2 plied and skeined on the niddy noddy.waiting for a wash. 


  1. Knitting a shawl is fun at first. It gets big really quick. But then as it gets bigger and bigger, it takes longer for you to make it across and things slow down. Then it feels like it's taking forever. I bet that's going to look great when you're done. Beautiful natural color!

  2. so far I find really relaxing to work on at work on lunch. It's an easy enough pattern I can join in on the conversations. Gives me something to keep my hands busy and the best part is in the end I will have something to show. Thank you I love this color and the yarn itself is really soft.
